Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Nanowrimo 2012:

So Nanowrimo is upon us and for the first time I'm doing the november version, I'm so excited I just hope school doesn't get in the way too much. I'm starting a new WIP again because I doubt I will be able to get another 50,000 words out of Annie and Carter! So here's a blurby thing i came up with for my Nanowrimo WIP!:

Jacob had always been an outsider, he wasn't the biggest nerd in the college, but he was certainly in the top ten.  In the summer of 2012 with England buzzing all over about the Olympics, Jacob was oblivious to what was going to hit him on his last summer before university. When he saw the flame for the first time, it was like all his troubles were forgotten, like the whole world would listen to him if he just had the courage to speak. That’s when he met Lila, the girl who would change his life in the best possible way.

I wish everyone else who is participating a good luck! What are you guys doing for Nano?
Oh and Happy Halloween!


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